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Laser Surgery Benefits


  • Minimized Bleeding: As it cuts, the laser beam seals small blood vessels. This drastic reduction in bleeding enables a number of new surgical procedures which are not practical or even possible with a scalpel, such as tumors and lesions inside the throat, nose and oral cavity, some types of eye surgery, nasal hyperkeratosis treatment, and many more. Better visualization of the surgical site allows the veterinarian to cut more precisely, avoiding unnecessary trauma to healthy surrounding tissues. In addition, some procedures do not require sutures, when done with the laser (e.g., stenotic nares repair, spaying, and others). Excellent visibility provides another huge advantage of CO2 laser surgery, i.e., the veterinarian completes the surgery faster. Shorter procedures shorten anesthesia time, reducing the risks of anesthesia. In addition, some laser-assisted procedures can be performed in conjunction with others to save the patient time under anesthesia (for instance, stenotic nares repair may be combined with spaying or neutering, etc.) Finally, better visibility ensures better esthetic result.
  • Less Pain: The CO2 laser beam seals nerve endings and lymphatics, resulting in less post-operative swelling and pain. The patient experiences a far more comfortable post-operative recovery.
  • Reduced risk of infection: Sanitizing effect is one of the unique features of the CO2 laser beam. It efficiently destroys bacteria in its path (sanitizing effect). Also, CO2 laser surgery is performed in a non-contact mode – the laser tip does not touch the target tissue during surgery, which minimizes risk of infection even more.
  • Faster recovery time: Reduced risk of infection, less bleeding, pain and swelling, less time under anesthesia, often allow the patient a speedy recovery after the surgery and pets walk, eat, drink, or play much sooner than after conventional scalpel surgery.
  • Advanced accessories mean better results: Flexible fiber waveguide of the Aesculight CO2 laser and lightweight ergonomic handpieces provide a tremendous benefit for the clinician and ultimately, for the patient, i.e., the freedom of movement and no arm/hand fatigue for the veterinarian during operation ensure more precise and efficient surgery and better clinical outcome. Aesculight accessories significantly facilitate surgeries in difficult places (inside the nose, mouth, eyes, ears, at the base of the tongue, etc.)

Lasers are now frequently used in minor procedures, too. A rapidly expanding use of the technology is in removal of unsightly warts and cysts. Many pet owners were previously reluctant to subject their pets to the trauma of surgery, especially for such minor procedures. Now they can be performed quickly and easily, with little to no pain.


As lasers have been playing an increasingly significant role in veterinary medicine, veterinary laser surgery now provides the same benefits to pets that human patients have enjoyed for over thirty years: minimized bleeding, reduced risk of infection, less post-operative pain, swelling and discomfort, and the ability to resume normal activities sooner. The CO2 laser surgery makes surgery shorter, simpler and more effective.